Nature India Nursery

Cipadessa baccifera

  • Common Name: Ranabili, नलबिला, गुडमाई
  • Scientific Name: Cipadessa baccifera
  • Family: Meliaceae
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Cipadessa baccifera, commonly known as Indian Mahogany, is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to the tropical regions of Asia. This species is characterized by its small, fragrant yellowish flowers that bloom in clusters and its round, berry-like fruit that is edible. The tree is valued not only for its ornamental beauty but also for its timber, which is used in furniture and construction.


This species typically thrives in tropical and subtropical climates, often found in deciduous forests and areas with well-draining soil. It prefers regions with moderate rainfall.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Full sun is optimal for healthy growth.
  • Soil: Prefers well-draining, loamy soil.
  • Watering: Regular watering is needed, especially during dry seasons.
  • Maintenance: Prune to shape the tree and promote airflow through the canopy.

Additional Information

  • The fruit of Cipadessa baccifera is enjoyed by various birds and wildlife, enhancing biodiversity in gardens.
  • Propagation is typically done through seeds, which should be sown in a warm environment.
  • This tree can also be used for shade and ornamental purposes in landscaping.

Please note: While the tree is relatively hardy, it is important to protect young saplings from strong winds and pests.

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