Nature India Nursery

Ailanthus excelsa

  • Common Name: Indian Tree of Heaven, महारुख, महानिम्ब
  • Scientific Name: Ailanthus excelsa
  • Family: Simaroubaceae
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The Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus excelsa) is a fast-growing deciduous tree belonging to the Simaroubaceae family. Native to South Asia, it is widely cultivated and has naturalized in many regions around the world. The tree can reach heights of 15-25 meters or more, with a spreading canopy and distinctive pinnate leaves composed of 10-41 leaflets.

Habitat: Ailanthus excelsa thrives in a variety of habitats, from lowlands to hillsides, and is often found along roadsides and disturbed areas. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, including poor, rocky soils.

  • Light: Prefers full sun to partial shade.
  • Soil: Adaptable to various soil types, including alkaline and acidic soils.
  • Watering: Generally drought-tolerant once established, but benefits from regular watering during dry periods.
  • Maintenance: Prune to control growth and remove suckers to prevent spreading.

Additional Information: Despite its fast growth and adaptability, the Tree of Heaven is considered invasive in some regions due to its ability to outcompete native vegetation and its prolific seed production.

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