Nature India Nursery

Garcinia xanthochymus

  • Common Name: Mysore Gamboge, झारंबी
  • Scientific Name: Garcinia xanthochymus
  • Family: Clusiaceae
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Garcinia xanthochymus, commonly known as Yellow Mangosteen, is a tropical fruit-bearing tree native to the forests of Southeast Asia. It produces bright yellow, round fruits that are notable for their sour taste, often used in local culinary dishes and traditional medicine for their purported health benefits.


This species thrives in humid tropical climates, typically found in mixed deciduous forests and along riverbanks, at elevations between 200 to 1,500 meters. It prefers well-drained, fertile soils with adequate moisture.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Prefers partial shade but can tolerate full sun.
  • Soil: Grows best in rich, loamy soils that are well-draining.
  • Watering: Requires regular watering, especially during dry spells.
  • Maintenance: Minimal maintenance is needed; light pruning can help with growth and fruiting.

Additional Information

  • The fruit is often used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.
  • It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Propagation can be achieved through seeds or grafting methods.

Please note: The sour taste of the fruit makes it less popular for fresh consumption but is used in many traditional recipes.

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