Nature India Nursery

Diospyros chloroxylon

  • Common Name: Green Ebony Persimmon, काला तेन्दु, निमई
  • Scientific Name: Diospyros chloroxylon
  • Family: Ebenaceae
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Diospyros chloroxylon, commonly known as Green Ebony, is a medium-sized tree native to tropical regions of Asia. This species is prized for its dense, dark green heartwood, which is highly sought after for its durability and aesthetic appeal in woodworking, furniture making, and fine carvings.


The Green Ebony tree typically grows in tropical deciduous forests, preferring well-drained soils and a humid climate. It is often found in regions with a seasonal rainfall pattern.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
  • Soil: Prefers rich, well-draining soil with good moisture retention.
  • Watering: Regular watering is essential, especially in dry seasons; avoid waterlogging.
  • Maintenance: Pruning may be necessary to shape the tree and remove dead or damaged branches.

Additional Information

  • The heartwood of Diospyros chloroxylonis highly resistant to decay, making it ideal for outdoor furniture and structures.
  • This species is also known for its ecological importance, providing habitat and food for various wildlife.
  • Propagation can be done through seeds or vegetative cuttings, though seed germination may take time.

Please note: Overharvesting of Green Ebony can lead to sustainability concerns, so responsible sourcing is crucial.

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