Nature India Nursery

Crotalaria spectabilis

  • Common Name: Showy Rattlepod, घुंगरी, झुनझुनिया, खुळखुळा
  • Scientific Name: Crotalaria spectabilis
  • Family: Fabaceae
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Crotalaria spectabilis, commonly known as Golden Rattlebox, is a fast-growing perennial herb native to tropical regions. It is characterized by its brilliant yellow flowers that bloom in elongated racemes, attracting a variety of pollinators. The plant produces distinctive seed pods that make a rattling sound when mature, contributing to its common name. The leaves are trifoliate and have a slightly hairy texture.


Golden Rattlebox prefers well-drained soils and is typically found in sunny open areas, grasslands, and disturbed sites. It is drought-tolerant and thrives in a variety of soil types.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Full sun.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil, adaptable to poor soil conditions.
  • Watering: Water during extended dry periods; drought-resistant once established.
  • Maintenance: Low maintenance; can be lightly pruned to control growth.

Additional Information

  • This plant is beneficial for soil health as it helps fix nitrogen.
  • While it has some traditional medicinal uses, care should be taken as parts of the plant may be toxic if ingested.
  • Propagation is easily done through seeds, which germinate readily in favorable conditions.

Please note: Crotalaria spectabiliscan become invasive in some regions, so monitoring is recommended.

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