Nature India Nursery

Cadaba fruticosa

  • Common Name: Indian Cadaba, डाबी, कोधब, हबब, काळी टाकळी, वेलिबी
  • Scientific Name: Cadaba fruticosa
  • Family: Capparaceae
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Indian Cadaba (Cadaba fruticosa) is a small, evergreen shrub commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions of Asia and Africa. It is notable for its small, greenish-white flowers that emit a pleasant fragrance. The plant blooms sporadically throughout the year, and its slender branches bear oblong, leathery leaves. Cadaba fruticosa is often used in traditional medicine for its various therapeutic properties.


Cadaba fruticosa thrives in dry, rocky soils and can often be found in scrublands, open forests, and wastelands. It is well adapted to harsh environmental conditions, including drought and high temperatures. This hardy shrub is typically found at elevations ranging from sea level to 1,200 meters.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Full sun
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy or rocky soil
  • Watering: Water sparingly; drought-tolerant once established
  • Maintenance: Minimal maintenance required; prune to control shape if necessary

Additional Information

  • Cadaba fruticosa is valued in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
  • Propagation is typically done through seeds or cuttings, making it relatively easy to cultivate.
  • The plant serves as a food source for various insects and birds, contributing to the local ecosystem.

Please note: While Cadaba fruticosa is highly drought-resistant, it is best suited for warm, dry climates and should be protected from excessive moisture and frost.

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