Nature India Nursery

Bombax insigne

  • Common Name: simple
  • Scientific Name: 10241
  • Family:
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The Red Silk Cotton Tree (Bombax insigne) is a majestic tree native to tropical regions. It is known for its large, showy, red flowers that bloom in the spring, often when the tree is leafless. The trunk is typically buttressed and can be quite large, supporting the tree’s considerable height of up to 30 meters.


This tree thrives in tropical environments and is commonly found in deciduous forests and along riverbanks. It prefers well-drained soil and areas with moderate to high rainfall. Bombax insigne is tolerant of a variety of soil types but prefers loamy or sandy soils.

Planting and Care

  • Light: Full sun
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Watering: Regular watering during the growing season, reduced watering during the dormant period
  • Maintenance: Minimal; prune to remove dead or damaged branches

Additional Information

  • The flowers attract pollinators, including bees and birds.
  • The tree produces a lightweight, fibrous wood used in various applications, including matchsticks and plywood.
  • The seeds are contained in a capsule and are surrounded by a silky cotton-like substance.

Please note: Bombax insigne is best suited for tropical to subtropical climates and may not thrive in colder regions.

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